About The Jo Flow

Joann Fuller aka The Jo Flow. Joann specializes in helping people heal their inner shadows, find their lifes purpose and live in authenticity with who they truly are. Through spiritual life coaching and hypnotherapy she has helped to transform lives creating a ripple effect of high vibe living.“I wanted to bring to life a beautiful bohemian style jewelry store that not only adorned the feminine + masculine energies within us all, but also held the intention of the user throughout the day.” -Joann Fuller I meditate every morning and set my intention for the day. As the day wears on and I get busy with clients and my kids, I sometimes forget the initial intention I had placed, and get pulled back into the matrix of old habits and belief patterns. During meditation one day I download this idea. What if I could program my intention into gorgeous stones that I wear all day long. Not only does it serve as a reminder as I feel or see it on me, but also carries the frequency of my intention that I had set that morning. I love the way that they add flair to my way of self-expression but they also carry the vibration of what I’m currently manifesting. And voila! Jo Flow Jewelry was created! Spiritually inspired necklaces, bracelets, earrings, rings and pendulums for divination, all holding the frequency of your intention for manifestation. Just infuse with your intention at the start of the day, wear, look and feel like the goddess/god that you truly are!